Compensating You For Your Loss

There is nothing harder than going through the death of a family member. It can be even more emotionally excruciating if the loss was entirely preventable. If the loss you are struggling with was caused by another person’s negligence behind the wheel, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced attorney.

At JKFM, we have been handling fatal car accident claims since 1979, focusing our efforts on providing Ohio families with full and just compensation. We know we cannot adequately replace what you have lost, but we hope we can provide your family with a sense of closure by holding at-fault parties accountable.

Compassionate Yet Aggressive Representation

We will strive to make sure you are comfortable and informed throughout the process, taking the time to ensure you have the support you need during a challenging time. On the other side of the coin, we will be nothing short of aggressive as we go after the insurance companies and others who wish to deny responsibility for what has occurred.

We are seasoned trial attorneys who prepare each and every case for trial, ensuring we are ready to act in every way necessary to provide you with the compensation you deserve for your emotional and financial losses. Our lawyers will seek compensation from all available sources, including the insurance companies of negligent drivers and the companies responsible for defective auto parts.

We Are Ready When You Are

If you are ready to speak to us about your loss, we look forward to fighting for the justice you deserve. Contact our Cleveland firm today for a free consultation.

prac1Medical Malpractice
prac2Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
prac3Employment Law