Symptoms & Diagnosis Of Brain Injuries

Experienced Brain Injury Attorneys in Cleveland, Ohio

The human brain is complex. Trauma from an accident, lack of oxygen during treatment for a heart attack or exposure to toxic substances can critically impair your ability to function. Whatever their cause, brain injuries can cause devastating, life-long consequences for victims and their families.

When a brain injury is caused by another party’s negligence or by medical malpractice, it can be especially upsetting. At Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone Co. L.P.A., we understand how much the negligence or wrongful conduct of others has cost you. We are well prepared to hold at-fault parties responsible for causing this life-altering harm.

Since 1979, law firm of Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone has been fighting for full, just compensation for those suffering from preventable brain injuries. We have the level of experience and resources to effectively handle complex personal injury cases like these.

Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced lawyers.

Major Causes of Brain Injuries

The most common cause of brain injury is blunt-force trauma to the head. Head trauma can result in closed head injuries or skull fractures. A blow to the head or severe shaking can cause the brain to shift back-and-forth. When that happens, it can bruise the brain or cause what is called “diffuse axonal injury,” which means that the brain’s fibers (axons) are stretched or pulled apart.

Common situations where people experience traumatic brain injuries include motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, accidents involving snowmobiles or Jet-Skis, slip-and-fall accidents, and violence.

Other causes of preventable brain injury include medical malpractice and exposure to lead, carbon monoxide, certain prescription drugs and other toxic substances. Brain injury due to medical malpractice is most commonly caused by hypoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain) when oxygen is not administered quickly or properly to a patient whose breathing is impaired. Improper treatment for a number of illnesses, as well as drug side effects, can cause seizures that damage the brain.

The effects of a brain injury range from mild cognitive impairments to permanent disability, but the symptoms are often subtle.

For decades, the attorneys of Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone have been working to protect the rights of injured people. We know how to handle complex cases, how to demonstrate fault, and how to prove the medical and financial losses of accident victims and their families.

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