Recovering Compensation For Amputation Survivors

When a serious injury results in a loss of arm, leg, hand, foot, fingers or toes, the damage is more than physical. Injury survivors are left with a lifetime of complications and losses. If you or a loved one has suffered an amputation as the end result of another person or corporation’s negligence, you do not have to bear that burden alone.

In Cleveland, Ohio, you can turn to the law firm of JKFM for experienced personal injury representation. We have been pursuing compensation on behalf of injury victims since 1979, combining tenacious representation with compassionate personal service.

Building A Strong Case For Maximizing Compensation

Our injury lawyers work with professional experts such as life care planners, vocational rehabilitation specialists, physicians and economists to determine the full scope of an injury victim’s loss. That allows us to paint a detailed picture of the compensation required to cover current and future damages for lost earnings, pain and suffering, and medical expenses.

Whether your amputation stemmed from another trauma suffered in a motor vehicle accident or due to a defective product, or you were harmed by medical malpractice, we will not be satisfied until you receive the settlement or jury award you deserve.

Put JKFM On Your Side

We are respected by our colleagues in the legal community, and the insurance companies know our attorneys will not back down from a fight if the well-being of our client is on the line. If you or a loved one has suffered an amputation injury, contact us today for a free, no-risk consultation.

prac1Medical Malpractice
prac2Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
prac3Employment Law