Serious Personal Injuries and Amputations

Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys in Cleveland, Ohio

If you have suffered an amputation or another major injury, your life will never be the same. At the Cleveland law firm of Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone Co. L.P.A., we are compassionate with our clients and aggressive about helping them obtain full, just compensation for their injuries and losses. Whether your injury was due to medical malpractice or a work-related accident, let us put our years of experience to work for you.

The attorneys of Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone do not shy away from difficult cases. We are committed to taking on your legal burdens so you can focus on your recovery and your future.

Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers.

In-Depth Personal Injury Background

Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone has been protecting accident victims since 1979. No amount of money will change what happened, but compensation can be invaluable to your physical recovery and financial future.

We are committed to helping accident victims obtain maximum compensation for amputations, burn injuries, broken bones and other serious personal injuries caused by:

  • Medical malpractice
  • Defective automobiles
  • Defective machinery
  • Defective medical devices

Our personal injury lawyers, have extensive experience protecting injured people. In cases involving major injuries, we often work closely with accident scene reconstructionists and safety specialists, some of whom have worked for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, to determine the cause of accidents.

Working to Maximize Compensation

As personal injury attorneys, we are committed to helping accident victims obtain fair compensation for the serious injuries they have endured. We handle personal injury claims against third parties who contribute to accidents in the workplace.

We will work closely with your medical doctor to determine the extent of your injuries and the projected need for future surgeries or rehabilitative care. Your doctor can also help us understand if your injury will limit your ability to work. We can also confer with your workers’ compensation lawyer in order to coordinate medical and other evidence.

We know how to develop a compelling legal argument based on expert testimony from economists and vocational experts outlining your chances of joining the workforce in another line of work. We are committed to ensuring that you receive full, fair compensation for lost wages, future loss of earnings, doctor and hospital bills, future medical needs, and other losses.

prac1Medical Malpractice
prac2Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
prac3Employment Law